" I've been doing manual billing,scheduling,tracking, & payroll for the last nine years as a personal trainer and a club owner. I've never liked all the other computer programs that I've tried. They all seem to do just one or two things that they advertised and were impossible to understand. P. T. Mgr. introduced a whole new system to my studio. The trainers love the simplicity of how the program works. Our clients love it because it gives them a lot more security that their money is being tracked on a computer. This program was created by Personal Trainers that know the business. Everything you could imagine as a Trainer or a club owner is covered in this program.
For the first time, I can honestly say, instead of my business controlling me.. I have complete control over my business ! P. T. Mgr. Works!! "
Marcus A Bornstein, A.C.S.M.,C.S.C.S.
Owner, Milagros Personal Training & Pilates Studio, Solana Beach , CA